Greetings and God Speed to all,
The School will be open for registration on Monday July6, 2015, also class schedule will be posted
Ok it's here a chance to vacation for free or at a big discount. Join AFCMOA/RWCCI very own vacation
club. Here is the beauty, pay only $299 for a whole year of travel opportunities. And by joining you support our Communion
with much needed funds for our missions work. Now beauty number two. Because we are so close to Convocation, those that do
the full registration for Convocation will get the Vacation Club Membership for free the first year. If you just want the
benefits of the Vacation Club click on the link below to join. See you on the annual cruise for all members.
Click Now To Join
Greetings and God Speed to all... We have truly grown in numbers beyond anything I thought would be possible. But because
of this growth also needs have grown. We have as many requests for help come in as we do requests for membership. Because
we don't have assessments levied on our family members. There seems to be a lack of voluntary offerings, and no tithes except
for the Executive Board members. We can no longer operate the ministry on these basis. So this is The Apostolic Missive from
The Chambers of the Patriarch.
ALL Archbishops, Bishops, Apostles
that are under the covering, affiliated, or attached to AFCMOA in any manner as of December 1, 2013 will submit through the
website $20 per month and all Pastors, Evangelist and other credential holders $5 per month. You will do so through the website
as we use Paypal to process all donations, tithes, and offerings. Because it will immediately give you a receipt and also
send one to us. If one January 1, 2014 your name has not registered for you December assessment you will be dropped from the
roll and all credentials are null and void. This necessary for the continued work of the General Ministry. As everyone knows
myself nor any of the Board Members are paid nor on any salary from the ministry, so no one can say you are paying us. May
God bless you all, and I hope in 2014 we will have all of our family in tact. Any questions DO NOT contact the Patriarch.
Contact one of the Board Members by using the contact us form on this site.